We shall strive to incorporate sustainability into our core operations through internal and external efforts. Specifically, we shall adopt the following policies and practices:
- Conserve energy, water and natural resources.
- Commit to purchasing environmentally preferable products.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
- Promote environmental education, outreach and awareness to our staff and the greater community.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
We shall –
- Reduce our waste stream by increasing our recycling and/or composting capabilities to 85% diversion from the landfill.
- Strive to increase waste diversion by recycling all paper, cardboard, wood, metals, bottles, plastics, packaging and cans.
- Compost any food and/or green waste accepted in our area.
- Discourage the use of disposable products by using washable/reusable items.
- Reduce the waste generated by donating reusable office items (appliances, electronic equipment, and furniture) to charitable organizations.
- Reuse envelopes and packaging.
- Promote the use of natural lighting and solar energy, where feasible.
- Institute a policy to turn off lighting and appliances in unoccupied rooms.
- Conserve water with the installation of ultra-low flow and/or dual flush toilets, plant native drought tolerant plants and use water-conserving irrigation systems.
Toxics Reduction
We shall reduce the use of toxic materials to protect employee health and the environment. Specifically we shall –
- Purchase low to non-toxic janitorial cleaning products. Certified by Green Seal, UL Ecologo, EPA Safer Choice or a GoodGuide.com score of 8+.
- Switch to recycled content products, materials and supplies when available.
- Purchase Low VOC paints, markers and non-toxic air fresheners.
- Recycle universal wastes (electronics, batteries, fluorescent light tubes, used motor oil) and prohibit purchasing materials that may lead to hazardous waste generation.
- Purchase rechargeable batteries and appliances only.
- Promote storm water pollution prevention and source control.
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
We shall purchase/use the following:
- Remanufactured and refillable toner cartridges.
- Office & toilet paper with 100% recycled content (50% minimum).
- Products with the least packaging (no plastic, polystyrene or aerosol packaging).
- Recycled content-containing office furniture and supplies.
- Refillable bottles, canvas bags and reusable to-go containers.
- LED lighting and Energy Star appliances and electronics.
- Water efficient toilets, showerheads and faucet aerators.
Conserve Fossil Fuels
We shall conserve fossil fuels by –
- Offering telecommuting options.
- We shall strive to build and remodel using LEED green building standards.