I have a class designated as “lab” for county employees to ‘drop in’ with their questions and get them addressed. Problem is, the ‘class’ is offered only one half day a month, and employees are required to sign up to indicate that they’ll be there.
The first class was offered in February, and nine people signed up. Seven of the nine arrived at the same time, hopefully understanding that their question would be addressed at some point. The remaining two people did come in mid morning. It felt a bit chaotic to me because I didn’t have any assembly of order. But I think everyone got what they were after, and then some.
It went relatively well, so well that twelve people have signed up for the lab this month, and it’s this afternoon. I am trying now to coordinate/organize better.
So much so that it disrupted my sleep. I seriously had dreams all night about dozens of people coming in waves. The library people came, dressed in their Dr. Seuss costumes, and singing. (would that make them nightmares?)