We’ve started a YouTube channel! The idea is to post quick (5 minutes) videos for how to accomplish quick tasks.
Right now it’s organized into four playlists. Expect periodic modifications and reorganization, as the whole YouTube thing is new and we’re just figuring it out.
- The Windows playlist will feature topics relevant to windows in general.
- Look for videos (or email and ask) related to the Windows posts listed on our website.
- The first video covers how to Split the screen so you can multi-task.
- The Spreadsheets playlist will feature topics relevant to Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and Apple Numbers.
- Expect videos (or email and ask) related to the Excel posts and Mac posts.
- Absolute References are covered in the first spreadsheets video.
- The Word processing playlist will feature topics relevant to Microsoft Word, Google Docs and Apple Pages.
- Watch for videos related to posts we’ve made under Word
- Converting Text to Tables is the first word processing topic.
- The Small Bytes playlist will feature tips and tricks relevant to a wide variety of topics.
- The first Small Bytes video covers sharing your screen using Zoom.
What do you want to see?
Let us know your interests. And don’t forget to subscribe!

As always, we’re available to help you with your individual questions. With over twenty years of experience, we are proud to have clients in many industries including: Real Estate, construction, manufacturing, non-profits, and research and development.
You can reach us by calling or texting 775 . 525 . 0885 or emailing info [at] MyRenoComputerTutor [dot] com
We’re dedicated to helping people understand what they’re doing. So please reach out. You can contact us via email, or voicemail, and you can even text us to get your training scheduled. Diana also trains for Washoe County, City of Reno and UNR Extended Studies.