Microsoft Excel Training Classes

When you take My Reno Computer Tutor and Excel training lessons:
- You don’t have to learn everything there is to know about Excel
- Learn the things you need to complete your task
Our agenda is:
- To provide you with the skills you want to learn.
- Excel training lessons are based entirely on the skills you need to learn.
The power in using Excel spreadsheets comes with understanding how to use Excel Formulas and Functions. Contact us today to get going.
Excel Classes and Tutoring
Excel classes, a key part of the Microsoft 365 are developed for your organization or individual goals. You collaborate with us to develop training material. Material specific to topics most important to your needs. Use spreadsheets of data and workbooks relevant to your business. Classes and lessons are immediately applicable to your company.

- Basic Skills
- Create spreadsheets
- Use formulas
- Absolute vs Relative References
- Order of Operations
- Advanced Skills
- Pivot Tables
- Auditing Tools
- Data validation
- Protect worksheets
- Import and export
Choose Excel Training Topics Important to You
Efficient Learning Environment

Excel tutorials are relevant and specific to your needs, resulting in retention of the lessons.
In addition to the skills you may already know, learn to use:
- Advanced Excel formulas
- Lists and Tables
- PivotTables
- Audit worksheet data
- Utilize data tools
As always, we’re available to help you with your individual questions. With over twenty years of experience, we are proud to have clients in many industries including: Real Estate, construction, manufacturing, non-profits, and research and development.
You can reach us by calling or texting 775 . 525 . 0885 or emailing info [at] MyRenoComputerTutor [dot] com
We’re dedicated to helping people understand what they’re doing. So please reach out. You can contact us via email, or voicemail, and you can even text us to get your training scheduled. Diana also trains for Washoe County, City of Reno and UNR Extended Studies.