Our client reviews speak for us.
Clients have received PC help (and Mac help!) to improve their ability to accomplish the tasks important to what it is they do.
Elizabeth Cho-Fertikh, in the review below, is an example of someone with whom we’ve worked with using REMOTE training. Elizabeth is in Washington DC area, Diana is in Reno, NV.
My Reno Computer Tutor welcomes all reviews. Our email is on the contact page, we would love your review!

Our email is on the contact page to submit your review

This client in particular is blind. The JAWS email list referred to in his email is a text to voice program that enables him, and other visually impaired users, to use the internet and computers in general.
Working with this client is an exceptional challenge because I’m so used to giving visual cues. As much of a keyboard geek as I claim to be, without being able to use a mouse at all, I had to rely on voice commands rather than visual cues. I loved the challenge, and hearing back from him on his success was an incredible bonus.

Our email is on the contact page, we would love your review!